9 minutes of sunset

Oli, an unlucky bird, meets a kindred spirit from a different world. Can they overcome their differences and find love? A story of love, time, and happiness.

The project

The project started in januarty of 2022, it took more than a year of designing and ilustrating to be complete

Finishing up

We strive to go above and beyond for our clients no matter the challenge. We aim to deliver our very best work every single day across our services.

About a book

The tale

The tale tells of the unfortunate bird Oli, who does not find his little birdy. Even for him, the sun shines and he meets a kindred spirit. What if his soul mate is from a completely different world? Who is this mysterious creature who steals Oli’s heart? Will they be able to overcome the differences that separate them? The story is about love, time and transience. How little it takes to make our loved ones happy? Is our time the most precious thing we can give to someone?

Time is the most valuable gift we can give to someone.

Patricija Vukadinović

Making of, sketches

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