‘’Lately I worry alot, time can’t be bought. ‘’ there’s so much i’d like to do, but sadly I don’t have a clue how can I fit everything in one day,

the story
The story follows a fox, which is very sad because of the time running out. There’s much things the fox wants to do, but cant. Finally the owl appears and everything changes

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When it all started...
In 2018, while I was still in college, I was given a project assignment. I initially had an idea in mind, but as I was brainstorming and trying to come up with something creative, I stumbled upon the concept of an immortal fox. As someone who loves to draw animals, I immediately knew that this was the perfect theme for my project.
With this idea in my head, I started working on my project. I spent countless hours drawing and sketching different fox designs until I finally landed on one that I was happy with. Then, I began to write a story about this immortal fox, which eventually grew from a simple idea into a much more complex tale. I was extremely passionate about this project and dedicated all of my time to perfecting it.
Throughout the course of my project, I faced many challenges and obstacles. There were times when I felt like giving up, but I persevered and continued to work tirelessly until the final product was perfect. What started as a simple art project turned into so much more – an emotionally rich story that I am proud of to this day.
Now, years after starting that initial project in college, I still find myself coming back to this concept. It has taken me on a journey that I never could have imagined, and I am so grateful for the experience.