Poster illustration of a girl - a self portrait for challenge Meet the arts, showing herself, likes and dislikes, nationality, zodiac, etc

O meni

Vidmajer, Sara (Maribor, 1993)

Sem Slovenska ilustratorka. Delujem pa tudi na drugih področjih vizualnih komunikacij : kot so fotografija in grafično oblikovanje. Ilustriram slikanice, oblikujem embalažo in tekstil. Svoje izdelke tudi sama zašijem. Leta 2017 sem diplomirala na Fakulteti za dizajn, smer vizualne komunikacije.

For the past few years, I have been focusing more and more on illustrations, mostly digital. I create illustrations for books (including children’s books and book covers), T-shirt designs, packaging, album covers, and other product illustrations. I also work with traditional mediums such as pencils, pens, and watercolors. I enjoy creating intricate and detailed illustrations, and I believe that a personal and unique perspective is one of the most valuable assets an illustrator can provide. To reflect this, I have developed my own distinctive style…

Ostani v kontaktu

Aktivna sem na instagramu, če te zanimajo ilustratorski procesi in kako izgleda moje življenje, mi lahko slediš tukaj 

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