How it’s made

How I Changed My Etsy Shop Name from Banana Bird Boutique to Flower Cat Garden (And Why It Matters)

When I first started my Etsy shop, it was called Banana Bird Boutique. At the time, I was diving headfirst into creating wordplay illustrations, and the quirky name fit my vibe. I loved the randomness of it—the combination of “banana” and “bird” gave it a playful, lighthearted feel and it also translates to vrana banana […]

How I Changed My Etsy Shop Name from Banana Bird Boutique to Flower Cat Garden (And Why It Matters) Preberi več »

3 cats on top of 3 flowers

Mnogi me sprašujejo: Kakšne so cene ilustriranja otroške pravljice?

One of the most common questions I receive is, “How much does it cost to illustrate a children’s book?” The answer, as with many creative endeavors, depends on several factors, including the style, complexity, and specific needs of your project. To help you better understand what to expect, I’ve put together a detailed breakdown of

Mnogi me sprašujejo: Kakšne so cene ilustriranja otroške pravljice? Preberi več »

indesign file of cover page
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